Yachtcharter in Fethiye · Up To Date — 2021 (2011)

Beschreibung von Mavi's Gulet
Gulet - 21m — Up To Date - 2021
VERFÜGBARE WÄHLBARE ROUTEN Fethiye --> Buchten und Inseln von Göcek --> Fethiye Fethiye --> Kekova --> Fethiye Fethiye -> Marmaris -> Fethiye Fethiye --> Ölüdeniz --> Göcek --> Fethiye *** 24-Stunden-Nutzung der Klimaanlage
Ausstattung des Guletes
Dienstleistungen des Guletes

Inserat von Mavi
Mavi Yolculuk was established in 2021, based in Fethiye, by an experienced team that has served in the yachting and tourism sectors for 25 years. Our company has tax number Fethiye Tax Office and is a member of TURSAB with document number 13509, Fethiye Chamber of Commerce and Industry with registration number 012277 and Chamber of Shipping with registration number 120817.
Liegeplatz gulet: Gocek, Fethiye